Easy Animated Gates and Doors [Udon Sharp]
This product is a frameworks to have an animated Gate or Door animation when players walk near the object in VRChat that is quick and easy to setup. This is a easy to use product that requires a slight bit of Unity knowledge to setup. It is mostly a drag/drop with the addition of having to create the animation clips for your personal gate. Assets in picture are not included, it comes with a standard demo scene and an instructions manual on everything within the script.
Do not distribute these assets without permission from the creator.
Information on how to use this product is here!
Update information
[2024-02-13: v1.03]
-Updated the Animator to function in a more desirable manner
-Cut down the animation clips needed from 4 to 1
-Updated logic on Gate_Controller.cs
-Updated logic on PlayerDetector_Local.cs
[2024-02-12: v1.01]
-Fixed an issue with mode selection.
-Settings Is Sync is now deprecated.
-Local Player Only mode fixed.
-Added countermeasures to prevent enter and exit triggers from overlapping with Local Player Only turned off.
[2024-02-11: v1.00]